Video transcript

Green Credentials.

They’re worth shouting about.


More people want to buy ‘green’ than ever before.

And businesses are responding.

But as a business you need to be sure your green claims aren’t misleading.

It’s your reputation that’s at stake.

The CMA’s Green Claims Code will help you stay on course and avoid misleading your customers.

To follow the code, ask yourself, ‘are your claims truthful and accurate?’

Businesses must live up to all claims made. ‘Are your claims clear and unambiguous?’

Your customers should be able to understand the claims you’re making – don’t confuse them with vague terms or phrases.

Do your claims omit or hide important information?

Your customers’ must be able to make informed choices and be given the full picture.

Do they only make fair and meaningful comparisons?

Products being compared should meet the same needs or be intended for the same purpose.

Have you substantiated your claims?

Make sure you provide evidence to back up your claims, and that its robust and credible.

Do they consider the full lifecycle of a product?

That is, its overall impact from creation to disposal.

Use the Green Claims Code to get your green claims right.

To find out more, go to

Brought to you by the Competition & Markets Authority